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OC Theatre Guild is a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Employer Identification Number (EIN) 


Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. 


OC Theatre Guild gratefully acknowledges our supporters.

Their generosity will help us continue to nurture, support, and promote live theatre in Greater Orange County. 

We make every attempt to acknowledge your gift accurately. If you find a mistake, want to make a change, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Segerstrom Center for the Arts


Amanda DeMaio
CA Relief Program
Capital Group Foundation


Craig Tyrl

Zaradich Law

Tod White

Orange County Dept. of Education


Laura Hathaway

Aja Bell

Christopher Reilly

Chris Sumpter

Debra Wondercheck

Zeffy Foundation

Dana Hammer

David Zelhart

Glenn Griffin

Amazon Foundation

Frances Riggs

Rose London

* Updated to include donations made since 2023.

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